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elegy.States is an immutable Mapping that contains all the states needed in Model, the low-level API provides a simple state management system by passing the states parameter (of type elegy.States) to all methods.

Basic usage

The most common way to use States is via its update method you can use to set or update field:

states = states.update(some_field=some_value)

You can access a field via index or field access notation:

some_value = states["some_field"]
some_value = states.some_field

Default Implementation

The default implementation uses the following fields:

name description
rng contains an elegy.RNGSeq instance you can you to request random state.
net_params the trainable parameters of the model.
net_states the non-trainable parameters of the model.
metrics_states the states used to calculate cumulative metrics.
optimizer_states the states for the optimizer.