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The test_step computes the main loss of the model along with some logs for reporting, by overriding this method you can directly influence what happens during evaluate.


Any of following input arguments are available for test_step:

name type
x Any Input data
y_true Any The target labels
sample_weight Optional[ndarray] The weight of each sample in the total loss
class_weight Optional[ndarray] The weight of each class in the total loss
states States Current state of the model
initializing bool Whether the model is initializing or not
training bool Whether the model is training or not

You must request the arguments you want by name.


pred_step must output a tuple with the following values:

name type
loss ndarray The loss of the model over the data
logs Dict[str, ndarray] A dictionary with a set of values to report
states States The new state of the model


method when
evaluate always
grad_step default implementation
train_step default implementation during initialization only


Lets review the example of test_step found in basics:

class LinearClassifier(elegy.Model):
    def test_step(self, x, y_true, states, initializing):  
        x = jnp.reshape(x, (x.shape[0], -1)) / 255

        # initialize or use existing parameters
        if initializing:
            w = jax.random.uniform(
                jax.random.PRNGKey(42), shape=[[1:]), 10]
            b = jax.random.uniform(jax.random.PRNGKey(69), shape=[1])
            w, b = states.net_params

        # model
        logits =, w) + b

        # categorical crossentropy loss
        labels = jax.nn.one_hot(y_true, 10)
        loss = jnp.mean(-jnp.sum(labels * jax.nn.log_softmax(logits), axis=-1))
        accuracy=jnp.mean(jnp.argmax(logits, axis=-1) == y_true)

        # metrics
        logs = dict(accuracy=accuracy, loss=loss)

        # update states
        states = states.update(net_params=(w, b))

        return loss, logs, states

model = LinearClassifier(

In this case test_step is defining both the "forward" pass of the model and calculating the losses and metrics in a single place. However, since we are not defining pred_step we loose the power to call predict which might not be desirable. The optimimal way to fix this is to extract the calculation of the logits into pred_step and call this from test_step:

class LinearClassifier(elegy.Model):
    def test_step(self, x, states, initializing):  
        x = jnp.reshape(x, (x.shape[0], -1)) / 255

        # initialize or use existing parameters
        if initializing:
            w = jax.random.uniform(
                jax.random.PRNGKey(42), shape=[[1:]), 10]
            b = jax.random.uniform(jax.random.PRNGKey(69), shape=[1])
            w, b = states.net_params

        # model
        logits =, w) + b

        return logits, states.update(net_params=(w, b))

    def test_step(self, x, y_true, states, initializing):  
        # call pred_step
        logits, states = self.pred_step((x, states, initializing)

        # categorical crossentropy loss
        labels = jax.nn.one_hot(y_true, 10)
        loss = jnp.mean(-jnp.sum(labels * jax.nn.log_softmax(logits), axis=-1))
        accuracy=jnp.mean(jnp.argmax(logits, axis=-1) == y_true)

        # metrics
        logs = dict(accuracy=accuracy, loss=loss)

        # update states
        states = states.update(net_params=(w, b))

        return loss, logs, states

model = LinearClassifier(

This not only creates a separation of concerns, it also favors code reuse, and we can now use predict, evaluate, and fit as intended.

There are cases however where you might want to implement a forward pass inside test_step that is different from what you would define in pred_step, for example you can create a VAE or GAN Models that use multiple modules to calculate the loss inside test_step (e.g. encoder, decoder, and discriminator) but only use the decoder inside pred_step to generate samples.

Default Implementation

The default implementation of pred_step does the following:

  • Call pred_step to get y_pred.
  • Calls api_loss.init or api_loss.apply depending on state of initializing. api_loss of type Losses computes the aggregated batch loss from the loss functions passed by the user through the loss argument in the Models constructor, and also computes a running mean of each loss individually which is passed for reporting to logs.
  • Calls api_metrics.init or api_metrics.apply depending on state of initializing. api_metrics of type Metrics calculates the metrics passed by the user through the metrics argument in the Models constructor and passes their values to logs for reporting.