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Modules, Losses, and Metrics

This guide goes into depth on how modules, losses and metrics work in Elegy when used with an elegy.Model. For more in-depth explanation on how they work internally check out the Module System guide.

Keras Limitations

One of our goals with Elegy was to solve Keras restrictions around the type of losses and metrics you can define. When creating a complex model with multiple outputs in Keras, say output_a and output_b, you are forced to define losses and metrics per-output only:

        "output_a": keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True),
        "output_b": keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True),
        "output_a": keras.losses.BinaryAccuracy(from_logits=True),
        "output_b": keras.losses.CategoricalAccuracy(from_logits=True),

This is very restrictive, in particular it doesn't allow the following:

  1. Losses and metrics that combine multiple outputs with multiple labels.
  2. A single loss/metric based on multiple outputs (a especial case of the previous).
  3. Losses and metrics that depend on other variables such as inputs, parameters, states, etc.

Most of these are usually solvable by tricks such as:

  • Concatenating the outputs / labels
  • Passing the inputs and other kind of information as labels.
  • Using the functional API which is more flexible (but it only runs on graph mode making it very painful to debug).

It is clear that these solution are hacky. Sometimes they are non-obvious, and depending on the problem they can be insufficient.

Dependency Injection

Elegy solves the previous problems by introducing a dependency injection mechanism that allows the user to express complex functions by simply declaring the variables to use by their name. The following parameters are available for the different callables you pass to Elegy:

parameter Description Module Metric Loss
x Inputs of the model corresponding to the x argument of fit * x x
y_true The input labels corresponding to the y argument of fit x x
y_pred Outputs of the model x x
sample_weight Importance of each sample x x
class_weight Importance of each class x x
training Whether training is currently in progress x x x
parameters The learnable parameters of the model x x
states The non-learnable parameters of the model x x


The content of x is technically passed to the model's Module but the parameter name "x" will bare no special meaning in that context.


Modules define the architecture of the network, their primary task (in Elegy terms) is transforming the inputs x into outputs y_pred. To make it easy to consume the content of x, Elegy has some special but very simple rules on how the signature of any Module can be structured:

1. If x is simply an array it will be passed directly:

class SomeModule:
    def call(self, m):

model = elegy.Model(SomeModule(), ...)

a = get_inputs()

In this case a is passed as m.

2. If x is a tuple, then x will be expanded positional arguments a.k.a. *args, this means that the module will have define exactly as many arguments as there are inputs. For example:

class SomeModule:
    def call(self, m, n):

model = elegy.Model(SomeModule(), ...)

a, b = get_inputs()
    x=(a, b),

In this case a is passed as m and b is passed as n.

3. If x is a dict, then x will be expanded as keyword arguments a.k.a. **kwargs, in this case the module can optionally request any key defined in x as an argument. For example:

class SomeModule:
    def call(self, n, o):

model = elegy.Model(SomeModule(), ...)

a, b, c = get_inputs()
    x={"m": a, "n": b, "o": c},

Here only n and o are requested by name, and you get as input its values b and c, the variable m with the content of a is safely ignored. If you want to request all the available inputs you can use **kwargs.


Losses can request all the available parameters that Elegy provides for dependency injection. A typical loss will request the y_true and y_pred values (as its common / enforced in Keras). The Mean Squared Error loss for example is easily defined in these terms:

class MSE(elegy.Loss): 
    def call(self, y_true, y_pred):
        return jnp.mean(jnp.square(y_true - y_pred), axis=-1)


X_train, y_train = get_inputs()

Here the input y is passed as y_true to MSE. For an auto-encoder however, it makes perfect sense to define the loss only in terms of x (according to the math) and Elegy lets you do exactly that:

class AutoEncoderLoss(elegy.Loss): 
    def call(self, x, y_pred):
        return jnp.mean(jnp.square(x - y_pred), axis=-1)


X_train, _ = get_inputs()

Notice thanks to this we didn't have to define y on the fit method.


An alternative here is to just use the previous definition of MSE and define y=X_train. However, avoiding the creation of redundant information is good in general and being explicit about dependencies helps documenting the behaviour of the model.

Partitioning a loss

If you have a complex loss function that is just a sum of different parts that have to be compute together you might define something like this:

class SomeComplexFunction(elegy.Loss): 
    def call(self, x, y_true, y_pred, parameters, ...):
        return a + b + c

Elegy lets you return a dict specifying the name of each part:

class SomeComplexFunction(elegy.Loss): 
    def call(self, x, y_true, y_pred, parameters, ...):
        return {
            "a": a,
            "b": b,
            "c": c,

Elegy will use this information to show you each loss separate in the logs / Tensorboard / History with the names:

  • some_complex_function_loss/a
  • some_complex_function_loss/b
  • some_complex_function_loss/c

Each individual loss will still be subject to the sample_weight and reduction behavior as specified to SomeComplexFunction.

Multiple Outputs + Labels

The Model's constructor loss argument can accept a single Loss, a list or dict of losses, and even nested structures of the previous. However, in Elegy the form of loss is not strictly related to structure of input labels and outputs of the model. This is very different to Keras where each loss has to be matched with exactly one (label, output) pair. Elegy's method of dealing with multiple outputs and labels is super simple:


  • y_true will contain the entire structure passed to y.
  • y_pred will contain the entire structure output by the Module.

This means there are no restrictions on how you structure the loss function. According to this rule Keras and Elegy behave the same when there is only one output and one label because there is no structure. Both frameworks will allow you to define something like:

model = Model(

However, if you have many outputs and many labels, Elegy will just pass their structures to your loss and you will be able to do whatever you want by e.g. indexing these structures:

class MyLoss(Elegy.Loss):
    def call(self, y_true, y_pred):
        return some_function(
            y_true["label_a"], y_pred["output_a"], y_true["label_b"]

model = Model(

This example assumes the y_true and y_pred are dictionaries but they can also be tuples or nested structures. This strategy gives you maximal flexibility but come with the additional cost of having to implement your own loss function.

Keras-like behavior

While having this flexibility is good, there is a common scenario that Keras covers really well: what if you really just need one loss per (label, output) pair? In other words, how can we achieve equivalent behaviour of the following Keras code?

class MyModel(keras.Model):
    def call(self, x):
        return {
            "key_a": key_a,
            "key_b": key_b,
        "key_a": keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(),
        "key_b": keras.losses.MeanSquaredError(),
        "key_a": 10.0,
        "key_b": 1.0,

To do this Elegy lets each Loss optionally filter / index the y_true and y_pred arguments based on a string key (for dicts) or integer key (for tuples) in the constructor's on parameter:

class MyModule:
    def call(self, x):
        return {
            "key_a": key_a,
            "key_b": key_b,
model = elegy.Model(
        elegy.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(on="key_a", weight=10.0),
        elegy.losses.MeanSquaredError(on="key_b", weight=1.0),

This is almost exactly how Keras behaves except each loss is explicitly aware of which part of the output / label its supposed to attend to. The previous is roughly equivalent to manually indexing y_true and y_pred and passing the resulting value to the loss in question like this:

model = elegy.Model(
        lambda y_true, y_pred: elegy.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(weight=10.0)(
        lambda y_true, y_pred: elegy.losses.MeanSquaredError(weight=1.0)(


For the same reasons Elegy doesn't support the loss_weights parameter as defined in keras.compile. Nonetheless, each loss accepts a weight argument directly, as seen in the examples above, which you can use to recover this behavior.


Metrics behave exactly like losses except for one thing:


Metrics can hold state.

As in Keras, Elegy metrics are cumulative so they update their internal state on every step. From a user's perspective this means that you should use the self.add_parameter and self.update_parameter hooks when implementing your own metrics.

Here is an example of a simple cumulative implementation of Accuracy which uses state hooks:

class Accuracy(elegy.Metric):
    def call(self, y_true, y_pred):

        total = self.add_parameter("total", initializer=0, trainable=False)
        count = self.add_parameter("count", initializer=0, trainable=False)

        total += jnp.sum(y_true == y_pred)
        count +=

        self.update_parameter("total", total)
        self.update_parameter("count", count)

        return total / count

For a more in-depth description of how Elegy's hook system works check out the Module System guide.